Monday, April 8, 2019


It's Monday--just a few moments past 24 hours ago we read Jesus' prayer for us...just hours before His cross met His hands, His feet and His back.  How awesome of Jesus to ask the Father, "Can John come over and spend the night...forever?" 
Jesus wants you to see His glory in heaven.  Receive His invitation today!  Turn from self and sin.  Confess Jesus as Lord.  Be baptized. 
Share this with all your lost friends today, tomorrow and especially during the next two weeks.  Bring them to Easter Services at your local church! 
He Is Worthy!!!
He is Risen!!!
He is Risen Indeed!!!
Coach/Pastor John

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Cup

     Last Saturday, our church joined other Kershaw Association churches to serve our community in helping to park those who attended THE CUP.  It was a real joy to serve alongside other believers.  I enjoyed the parking but not the lesson.  Humble pie is hard to eat.

     For years I have heard my wife correct my inquiries or requests for permission to park according to my own needs or preferences.  Like learning to tip more generously after my sons and daughter worked in a restaurant, I also learned the other side of the waving flag Saturday.  Most people were very generous in their waves, appreciation and attitude.  But as looking in the mirror, there were several who rolled down the window asking to pull into the parking lot that we had just filled.  We knew there was no more room, but there are those that want things their way.  Despite the late arrival, they still felt deserving of a closer parking spot even if it didn’t exist. Some pulled in anyway ignoring our directions otherwise.

     Paul writes in Romans 13 of authorities which exist for protection, order and safety.  A man with a flag holds a little bit of authority, regardless of who is driving the vehicle.  Paul advises us to obey these gifts to us from God.  Government, Law Enforcement and even flagmen are there for our benefit.  We need not fear them, but simply follow their directions. 

 Coach/Pastor John

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities… for it is a minister of God to you for good” Romans 13:1, 4.