The other day I memorized a verse I addressed as "Combating Temptation" at 4:7-8 James. "Therefore, submit to God, but resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; purify your hearts, double-minded people." This would be a good one for all to memorize. You will need it. I preached on combating temptation the last two weeks. I wanted to be really practical, you know, 3 points and four take homes. Here is the bottom line though folks. We have to love God more than we do our sin. We have to cherish God's Word and hide it in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). We must draw near to God and put distance between ourselves and the things that tempt us. In James 1:13-14 we discover that God doesn't tempt us but we set our own traps, pamper our pet desires and bait our own hooks that then entice us and draw us away from God. Do you want to resist temptation? That is the starting point. If our answer is yes, then I think the above advice is really practical and helpful. Strive!
More Later!!!!
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