Monday, November 11, 2013

Truth Tellers

I had been instructed all my childhood, “Do not run through the dining room!”  One day I ran through and pushed into the kitchen through the swinging door, cape flying behind me in my wake!  From the kitchen I heard a crashing and breaking sound. I laid the pieces back together and balanced them perfectly and escaped to my room on tip toes.  I remember missing Mom those days that I kept her in my deception.  Looking back I recognize that my falsehood created separation.  Then I heard it.  Crash!  I discovered my mother with the four pieces of her grandmother’s dish on the table…weeping!  That lie leapt from my guts as if someone had performed the Heimlich maneuver.  And we are to be lovers of truth once we put off the old and put on the new self!
Ephesians 4:17-24

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