Monday, December 23, 2013

Nativity Perspective

What would light up the world more if we could bring all of them together over the centuries into one measurable, comparable light?  Would the nativities from each Christmas season shine brighter than the fires lit under the martyrs who burned for not denying their Christ? In recent years, the Christmas season has had an unwelcome guest appear at the nativities on display, especially where the politically correct or the unbelieving are offended.  This stirs up the church and not a few well-meaning followers of Christ. I am not being judgmental of my concerned friends but only offering a well-thought out challenge that really raises the bar for me as well. Would Jesus say “Thank you and well done” to all the editorial writers and demonstrators?  Or might He tell a parable about one gentle individual who daily lived as unto His Master, always serving, always sharing, always kindhearted, honest and fair to others as he gently shared the reason for his hope…every day…every day regardless of the circumstances…always looking for His Master to return, daily defending His life, death and promised return by His consistent witness? I know no one personally who gets fired up like this every Christmas.  I do hope that the other eleven months of the year they are willing to light such a fire in their daily relationships and conversations that their light could be seen for miles and centuries.

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