In a farm house in Tennessee, thirteen men sat in a circle. Josh
played a song. Paul opened in prayer. TJ and Simpson shared testimony. I preached
in a style I imagined may have been common in the early church. I recalled the
stories of Jesus. We shared the Luke
5:1-11 passage when Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him. I
told the story while they read along.
Then TJ told the same story from memory. Then Paul told the story as if
the Sea of Galilee was Rimini and Pack’s Landing. Then Dayton told the story and presented it
personally as if he were in that boat instead of Peter. Questions prompted everyone to speak up who could
recount a teaching of Jesus or a scripture from the Bible that illustrated
their point. It was special. It was
experiential. After receiving prayer requests, Coop closed our service with
prayer for each request given and we sang “Amazing Grace.” We experienced true worship, real life
discipleship, and intimate relationship.
We experienced a moment where our hearts burned within us as we
recounted the words and teachings of our Lord Jesus as if He were right in the
room with us. He was there and that room
will never be seen in the same light. I
pray that hearts in the room also will forever be changed.
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