Thursday, October 2, 2014


In Youth Bible Study last week, we were exploring the “large letters” with which Paul wrote as he closed his letter to the Galatian believers.  How might a young person emphasize something important in a letter?  The better question became how to make sure your tweet was read on Twitter or an important part of your text was read.  Suddenly we realized how we # something or how many or which Emoji’s we select definitely brought emphasis in the tech world of this generation.

So, God gave us an insight.  If the Apostle Paul were to text us, what would he emphasize to us?  If we were to receive a tweet from him concerning our walk with Christ, what would he alert us to consider? Then we asked, “How would we know it was authentic?”  I mean first of all that any incoming text will be identified according to my contact list.  Then we explored this thought.  If the Holy Spirit were to text me concerning my walk, what Emoji’s would He use to alert me to the importance of the text?  If the Holy Spirit were to tweet me (correcting, guiding, teaching, convicting, encouraging, etc.) what would the # be?

Then we realized that we receive tweets from the Holy Spirit “All Day Every Day!” Truly, if Christ be in me, then His Spirit convicts and alarms me long before I am in a situation or before I speak an ill word.  I must long and be attentive to His tweets!  As my situations worsen or temptations become tougher, I should heed the #s.  Just one example: John, serve your wife today!  #Love her! #Eph525

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