Monday, July 30, 2018


Hello and Happy Monday!!!!
I invite you to not only read these entries, but feel free to comment and dialogue.  It helps me much to hear from all of you.  What a thrill for me yesterday when in the second service "rush" came to my attention in the message PERFECT MATURITY.  The jailer of Acts 16,  in the account of the birth of the church in Philippi, rushed in at Paul's announcement that all the prisoners were still there.  He was stirred and moved by the Holy Spirit.  So he turned on the light and he himself rushed in asking, "What must I do to be saved?"  I so love that question.  Paul and Silas answered, "Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ...and be baptized you and your household."  When the light overcomes our darkness, there is a rush.  I begin this Monday with an exciting, positive outlook for our future together.  Pray with me that we too will experience the Light, that we will be witnesses to the Rush of the Holy Spirit.  That we too might see others come to the Light and ask "What must I do to be saved?" 
Coach/Pastor John

1 comment:

  1. Hey John! Congratulations on your call to First Baptist Camden. I know you will do a great job as their pastor. Give my regards to your family and any of my old friends there. Hope to see you soon.

    Tim Williams
