Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Christ-like Attitude

It is Tuesday, two days since Sunday's message that challenged us to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus; so here is a reminder:
1. Humility--Am I living for self or others?  If I am a follower of Christ, then I will be emptied of self and living for others.  How has that been evidenced in my life Monday and today?
2. Obedience--Am I living my life obedient to the commands of God and the commands of Jesus?  Jesus did not do away with the law, but He did summarize it as loving God supremely and others as or before ourselves.  How are we doing in our love for God and love for others these past few days?
3.  Exaltation--Am I being lifted up by God?  As I carry my burdens to God, as I relinquish the ownership of my heart to God, am I experiencing daily God's lifting up of my spirit and my countenance?
Our Wednesday study of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 hint at these same Christian principles.  Come join us tomorrow evening for dinner between 4:45-6:00 with Bible Study beginning just before 6 pm.
Coach/Pastor John

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