We all have experienced the reality that our children grow
up too fast. We often tell young parents
“Don’t blink! They will be grown before
you know it.”
Tina and I recall those wonderful years when Josh would say,
“Hold me Daddy, hold me.” “Yook Daddy, yook!
A heckodoctor!” “Daddy, Daddy, yook!
Yook! An aeropwayne and God made
it.” Lauren kept it a mystery for months when she would say, “I shibbied.” Josh
called waffles “fawwles.” We finally
figured out that a heckodoctor was a helicopter. And one day at the table, Lauren pushed her
plate away and proclaimed, “I shibbied!” and we knew at once the meaning. Soon after that day she matured and began to
say “I’m finished.” And to not leave Dayton out, he would hold his hands out
and bid with his fingers, “I pick oooh up Daddy, I pick oooh up” whenever he
wanted to be held. I am dying here in my
office in tears. You know how heart-wrenching
it is to see those years slip away.
Eleven months ago, we joined Josh and Dani in another
milestone—they married. Theirs was a wonderful “wedding extravaganza!” We have watched Josh move out,
begin work, fix up a house, and become a grown man. It was all so sudden! And you know what, as our hearts quake for
those early years, we are so happy! We
are so proud of all three of our children.
Their maturing is a blessing! It
is the joy of our hearts to see them grow up, take responsibility for their
lives, mature in their individual walk with Christ and become adults.
This is exactly what the apostle Paul speaks to directly in
this letter to the believers in Ephesus. We thrill the
Holy Spirit in us as we mature to new people in Christ Jesus. It pleases the Father. It honors the Son, Jesus Christ. Our speech, behavior, attitude, actions, and
thought- life change to the likeness of Christ Jesus through the Spirit who now
lives in each new believer.
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