Phil Robertson
of Duck Dynasty has coined a phrase, “Happy! Happy! Happy!” America is a
people very confused when it comes to happiness. There is a moral compass of truth where
history and God’s record proves a guaranteed journey to not only a satisfying
and happy life here, but the promise of eternity in heaven where our language
reaches its limit in describing the joy we will experience.
Everyone wants to be happy!
In pursuing our own heights of pleasure and self-gratification, we have
“exchanged the truth of God for a lie.”
Case in point is the battle that the Boy Scouts of America faced in 2013. Immense pressure has reigned
down upon this historically good, pure and upright organization to fold, to
surrender and ultimately give in to those who pursue their own happiness at the
cost to the innocents, the powerless and the dependent. In
2000 and 2004, the BSA maintained their stance that “homosexual conduct is
inconsistent with the obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be morally
straight and clean in thought, word and deed.”
Moral ground is being eroded away as more and more big companies
withhold their financial support in the wake of pressure from the advocates for
homosexual rights. There is no apparent
end to the impact of our turning.
My good friend, Jim Austin, of the SCBC
commented wisely, “The current Boy Scout policy controversy clearly
demonstrates that when a society its moral compass, political correctness
or prevailing public opinion becomes the final arbiter” and that Christians
must multiply our efforts to reach and reeducate “a society that has forgotten
the God of the Bible.""Prone to wander Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.”
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