Monday, December 8, 2014


Imagine the first year in prison for a life sentence.  There is plenty of time now to reflect on your life, the decisions that were made without much forethought, the mistakes made and emotions that ran wild. You seem to yourself like a distant stranger.  What happened?  I am sure that every story is different, but this is one way I can imagine it.  Looking at life…behind bars…seeing hopeless men all around…birds flying freely in out of my cage, lizards able to go and come as they please…I would just be very sick and very lost.  I would reminisce about childhood’s innocence.  God, where did I go wrong?  How will I ever survive here? Recently I visited a prison and considered the contrasts of these scenes: freedom and incarceration.  Vividly on display is our incarceration to our flesh and this world contrasted with the freedom found in the grace and mercy of the cross.  The bird and the lizard roam from freedom to incarceration with total liberty in both.  So often we get so lost in our own works and efforts in salvation and the work God designated the Spirit's domain that we incarcerate ourselves...over and again.  In Christ there is truth and freedom, know Him and be truly free, all the time everywhere!

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