Saturday, August 11, 2018

What Then?

What then?  What do I do now?
Ever asked that?  We have all faced situations where with exasperation we raise our fists heavenward asking "What am I supposed to do now?"  Paul gives us a totally new perspective on  our earthly circumstances.  Watching Paul in all of his circumstances gives us a perspective that the gospel is central to his concern, especially in Philippians 1:12-20.  Paul is in prison chained to a Roman soldier and we find his "what then" totally counterculture to what we expect.  He is rejoicing!  He is filled with joy!  I find great encouragement in this passage.  The cause of Christ and the gospel going forward is what is first and foremost on Paul's mind.  Let's make that 2018 Camden for a bit.  I am delayed...What Then!  I will share Christ!  I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness...What Then!  I will use this diagnosis for gospel conversations.  My past has alienated me from my children...What Then!  I will repent.  I will seek relationship.  I will live in grace.  Whatever circumstance in which we find ourselves, to learn from Paul in this passage is to change our attitude from Why to How!  It is not "Why did God...?" to "How will God use me in this...?"
See you Sunday morning for the message BARRIERS TO BRIDGES.  Come join us!
Coach/Pastor John

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