Wednesday, November 12, 2014

John Eldridge SHOUT OUT

In Wild at Heart, John Eldridge indicated three core desires in the flight to manhood:

  • A battle to fight
  • An adventure to live
  • A beauty to rescue

I resonate with this.  It is man-stuff!  I am passionate about the battle for lost souls.  I find hunting and fishing a passion that reminds me of that important battle.  I often feel lost in rescuing my beauty, but just being reminded of my internal need drives me to protect my two girls, to pursue a love relationship with Tina and better my serve of her needs.  We are in a season of life right now where the challenges are all new and the terrain is different and difficult.  Men love challenges like that.  She was a hard one to catch when I first saw her.  But I caught her.  Now she is mine and I am hers.  We are one!  But the adventure to rescue her and pursue her has me smiling as I write this.   How do you continue to chase the caught and rescue your beauty?

I have much to learn, but I am listening.  Tina may better be able to write this and your honey may be the best source for you too.  But I think some starters would be:

  • Anticipate my needs (I hate having to ask you!)
  • Listen when I am speaking with you (Put the phone/newspaper/remote away) and look at me and respond
  • God gave me to you as your helper—stop excusing yourself and being defensive
  • Love me and show it
  • Surprise me
  • Make this beauty to rescue equally pursued as the battle to fight and adventure to win

Ask her.

What is your battle, men?  What adventure is connected to your heart and your fight?  How are you still rescuing your beautiful girl?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Flight 370

I was so encouraged by the testimony of James Woods.  His brother, Phillip, was among the missing in this spring's tragedy when the souls of the 239 people onboard Flight 370 perished over the Indian Ocean .  How horrific their last moments must have been!  Wonder with me concerning the security of eternity any may have had in the moments before their death.  Often we hear the gospel shared in the context of our not knowing when our last day on earth will be.  Most of us would be guilty of thinking, “Oh that would never happen to me!”  When asked by reporters how they are handling the tragedy, James Woods shared a family verse that is bringing them much peace and comfort. “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10.  He shared, “That is difficult to do right now.  But I don’t want to be cliché about our faith.  We are not just saying we will get through this by our faith.  But quite frankly, I believe in heaven and so I have a deep abiding hope and I believe God is sovereign.  Regardless of how this turns out, He is still God and He will get us through it.”  His love for his sister and brothers gripped me because I too love my brother and sister so very much.  I can only imagine the pain and agony of the heart for all the Woods family.  I love when faith shines though, don’t you? 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Wrath!  “You just wait until your father gets home!” Many of us may relate to that statement from childhood from our mothers. I received my share of looks, spankings and cancelled plans from both Mom and Dad.  Recalling my childhood, I cannot remember one spanking or other form of punishment where I sensed in my heart that my parents did not love me.  It is not just saying that “this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.” Love came in the explanation prior to the administration of discipline and in the restoration afterwards.  More than that, the relationship, the “being with” factor, is what held the hand of comfort and discipline in harmony.          

Monday, November 3, 2014


I have always been intrigued by cattle paths on the farm.  I can only imagine the process that led to paths so deep that you can see them on google maps! It all started with one cow.  Others followed. Soon there was beaten down grass that led to dead roots that then gave way to just dirt. Over the years, cows get stuck in the rut and walk the same old pathways.  Good warning huh? 

In similar fashion I observe roads being created. The ground is broken up and prepared.  Infrastructure is built in.  Sometimes, things have to be taken up and reformed.  As we develop as followers of Jesus, sometimes we may have to be broken up like hard soil.  Other times we may mess up and while still soft and pliable need to be reformed. As we seek to follow the path God desires for us, preferably we would get it all right and in right order.  Keep with the blue print and listen to your foreman. The path to peace, happiness and purpose can be well-paved and more rightly traveled.         Take care of your path!