Monday, March 25, 2019

NT Chronological

We are united as a church reading together the New Testament chronologically from the One Version Bible App.  What a blessing as so many dear saints share with me their love for the stories of Jesus!
We began the Acts of the Apostles last week and are reading about the early church.  It is so encouraging to read of these believers laying aside their own selves for the sake of others.
We are currently in a WATCH AND PRAY series at First Baptist Camden on Sunday mornings focusing on prayer. As I read ACTS 9 and 10 over the weekend, it struck me how the early believers were attentive and obedient to the spoken word of God.  I long for a prayer life that allows me to hear God's voice that I may obey as the Apostles Paul and Aeneas.  Cornelius was a man seeking after God and God honored his devotion, alms and prayers.  God directed him to send for Peter--a divine appointment was made and Peter also obeyed the voice of God, so that this Gentile and his household and friends would hear the gospel and be saved.  Nothing excites me more than stories like these.  I am convinced that when God's people seek Him like these early believers did, we too will hear God speak. We will go in obedience where He sends us. We too will see those who are far from God draw near to Him, believe in Him, be baptized and will be forever changed! I anxiously await days like these that lay just before us!
Coach/Pastor John

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